
Tidying up your home can be complicated or stressful for some people. I can give you advice and practical help to tidy and organize your home..


Tidy and organise

I’m happy to organise any space, whether it’s tidying your house, tidying your flat or emptying your garage.

De-cluttering your home will be a two-way process in which I help you make decisions about your belongings and what you need for your lifestyle and happiness. 

Tidying up your flat quickly and efficiently will be easier to do together, and much more fun with me.

Declutter and empty


You may have a stall that costs you rent every month. I can go with you to empty it and find space in your home to store your things and save money.

If you don’t know exactly what you need, but you want your house to be organised and uncluttered, fill in the online form or send me an email.


Tidy garage

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