Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

The website is the property of : Zen Home Management. Access to this site implies automatic and unrestricted acceptance of these terms and conditions of use. We reserve the right to modify them at any time, so we invite users to refer to them very regularly.

1. Credits

The artistic direction, graphic and ergonomic design as well as the development of the website were carried out by the company Lucy Jane Biarritz
The photos used to create the images to illustrate the site come from

2. Hosting

The website is hosted by OVH, an SAS company with a share capital of €10,059,500, registered with the RCS of Lille under number 424 761 419, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – France.
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 45 45 36 80

3. Intellectual Property

In accordance with intellectual property law, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce or represent all or part of the site All the data communicated on this site in the broadest sense and in particular the texts, comments, photos, illustrations, images and advertising documents reproduced on this site are the exclusive property of Zen Home Management, or are reproduced with the consent of their owner. Similarly, trademarks and logos are the exclusive property of Zen Home Management. They have been submitted and regularly renewed. All these elements are protected by intellectual property worldwide. Any partial or total use, in particular in the form of reproduction, modification, rental, transmission, distribution or borrowing not previously authorized by Zen Home Management is prohibited and could constitute counterfeiting.

4. Cookies

What is a cookie?

These are files installed on your computer or smartphone. They allow us to store information related to your browsing on our site. A cookie file allows its issuer to identify the device in which it is stored, subject to the choices you may have made about cookies and that you may change at any time.

What are cookies used for?

We use statistical cookies exclusively on this site to track visits and traffic sources to our site, and to measure and improve its performance. They show us which pages are the most and least popular and how visitors move around the site.

How to manage cookies?

You may refuse to give your consent or restrict or block cookies. If you do this, navigation will be more difficult and some features will not be available.
You can adjust your browser settings to receive a warning before cookies are stored.

How long do the cookies we use last?

Cookies have a limited lifetime of thirteen months after they are first placed in the user’s terminal (following consent).

If you have any questions about our cookie policy, you can contact us at this address:

5. Privacy policy

This policy explains how Zen Home Management collects and processes your personal data and for what purposes.

Zen Home Management is committed to complying with EU Regulation 2016/679 adopted on 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data.

What personal data is collected?

Zen Home Management collects the following data: information about your browser and IP address.

What is the purpose of your personal data collected in this way?

We use your personal data to improve the relevance of our site to our consumers, to meet our legal obligations, and to notify you of any changes to our privacy policy.
Please note that if we already have information about you, we may use it for the same purposes.

How do we protect access to your personal data ?

Zen Home Management is committed to doing its best to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and security of your personal data by having a secure computer environment and by applying appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure.
Access to your personal data is only granted to the company owner who needs the data for the purpose of analysis. When personal data are processed by third parties (in particular in connection with marketing, promotion, data enhancement, and digital), they are subject to a contractual obligation of confidentiality and security of personal data. Zen Home Management undertakes that your personal data will not be sold, rented or disclosed for purposes other than those described in the charter unless their disclosure is required by law or the authorities.

Is my personal data transferred outside the European Union?

No !

What are your rights to your personal data?

You have:
– The right of access, which allows you to find out if data concerning you are being processed and to obtain information in an understandable format. It also makes it possible to check the accuracy of the data and, if necessary, to have them corrected or deleted.
– The right of rectification, which allows you to correct inaccurate data concerning you or to add to data related to processing it.
– The right of opposition, which allows you to object to the use of your data.
– The right of deletion, which allows you to delete your data.
– The right of portability, that allows you to recover part of your data.
You can exercise your rights by contacting us at and specifying: – the processing operation(s) concerned by your request.
– the right(s) you wish to implement.
You will also need to provide us with proof of identity.
If you don’t think we have responded to your request, you can contact the CNIL: https://

How long do we keep your personal data?

Zen Home Management only keeps your data for the time necessary for the use it was collected for. This means that we may retain your data for some time after you have stopped using a service. In some cases, we may retain specific data to meet our legal or regulatory obligations for a specific period of time. After that personal data are deleted.

6. Responsibility

Zen Home Management declines all responsibility for difficulties accessing its website https:// or for interruptions in the connection. Zen Home Management cannot be held responsible for any damage or virus that may infect your computer or any computer equipment as a result of using or accessing the website or downloading from this website. Zen Home Management shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, commercial or non-commercial, resulting from the use of the site. Zen Home Management provides the information on the site for purely informative purposes. Zen Home Management makes every effort to check the accuracy of its information and to keep the site up to date. However, we give no guarantee that the information contained in this site is accurate, precise, updated or exhaustive. Neither do we guarantee its suitability for a particular purpose. In addition, Zen Home Management reserves the right to modify the content of the https:// website at any time and without notice. Zen Home Management cannot be held responsible for the consequences of these changes. Similarly, Zen Home Management reserves the right to interrupt or suspend all or part of the functionalities of the https:// website at any time and without notice. The https:// website may contain links to other websites. Zen Home Management is not responsible for the content of these sites or their privacy practices.

7. Applicable law

These terms and conditions are governed by French law. Zen Home Management reserves the right to take legal action against persons acting in a manner that may be considered illegal or unlawful or in violation of these provisions